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Interview: Raul Molinar Interviews Joe Biden on His Univision Radio Show - March 18, 2024

  • Raul Molinar
  • Joe Biden
  • Note
  • Andres Maldonado
  • Paola Sasso


00:00:00-00:00:02 (2 sec)
"[The radio interview was recorded on March 18, 2024 and aired on Univision Radio's "El Bueno, La Mala y El Feo Show" on March 19, 2024. The interview was conducted in English, but the questions were dubbed in Spanish before airing and Raul Molinaro, the primary interviewer, translated the answers in Spanish. The interview was edited. The following is a transcript of the interview as aired.]" 1


00:00:02-00:00:04 (2 sec)
"[The portions in English are proofread. The portions in Spanish are both machine transcribed and translated. Please check against the recording for any quotes in Spanish in particular.]" 2

Raul Molinar

00:00:04-00:00:26 (22 sec)
"[AI English Translation: Confirmed. Next, live we have an exclusive interview with the president of the United States, Joe Biden. We are going to definitely ask you about immigration reform. When will the economy be? I think it's also an issue that they don't ask who is going.] - [AI Spanish Transcript: Confirmado. A continuación, en vivo tenemos entrevista exclusiva con el presidente de los Estados Unidos, Joe Biden. Le vamos a preguntar definitivamente sobre la reforma migratoria Para cuando economía? Creo que es un tema también que no le preguntan quién va a.]" 3

Andres Maldonado

00:00:26-00:00:28 (2 sec)
"[AI English Translation: Win the final. Maybe enter Mexico, the United States or what questions they want to ask.] - [AI Spanish Transcript: Ganar la final. A lo mejor entra a México, Estados Unidos o qué preguntas quieren hacer.]" 4

Paola Sasso

00:00:29-00:00:57 (28 sec)
"[AI English Translation: Do you want to ask him something for the donkey?] - [AI Spanish Transcript: Tú le quieres preguntar algo para la burra?]" 5

Raul Molinar

00:00:57-00:00:58 (1 sec)
"[AI English Translation: Questions Okay, questions Okay, we're back with the President of the United States, Joe Biden. We are going to ask you everything. Gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, what is promised is a debt. We have it with us directly from the White House today. [Crosstalk] Presidential primaries in the state of Arizona, all of Arizona. You have to go out and vote. We have with us the president of the United States, President Joe Biden] - [AI Spanish Transcript: Preguntas Bien, preguntas Bien, ya regresamos con el presidente de los Estados Unidos, Joe Biden. Le vamos a preguntar de todo. Señores, señoras y señores, lo prometido es deuda. Tenemos con nosotros directamente desde la Casa Blanca el día de hoy. [Crosstalk] Primarias presidenciales en el estado de Arizona, todo Arizona. Hay que salir a votar. Tenemos con nosotros al presidente de los Estados Unidos, el Presidente Joe Biden.]" 6


00:00:58-00:01:00 (2 sec)
"[Cheering, Crosstalk]" 7

Raul Molinar

Somewhat Positive
00:01:01-00:01:02 (1 sec)
"Thank you, sir, for being here with us." 8

Joe Biden

Somewhat Positive
00:01:01-00:01:02 (1 sec)
"Thank you for having me, Raul." 9

Raul Molinar

00:01:03-00:01:33 (30 sec)
"[AI English Translation: On the contrary, Mr. President. It is an honor to have you with us. First of all, I want to start with a topic that is super important for our Hispanic community, which is the economy. This. There is great concern, Mr. President, for many people in our community that inflation is affecting Hispanic households and Hispanic-owned businesses and many feel that there are no jobs or that there are no good paying jobs. What is your administration doing or planning to do to improve opportunities for Latino families?] - [AI Spanish Transcript: Al contrario, señor Presidente. Es un honor tenerlo con nosotros. Antes que nada, quiero comenzar con un tema que es súper importante para nuestra comunidad hispana, que es la economía. Esta. Hay una gran preocupación, señor Presidente, para muchas personas en nuestra comunidad ya de que la inflación está afectando a hogares hispanos y a las empresas también que son propiedad de hispanos y muchos sienten que no hay trabajo o que no hay empleos bien remunerados bien pagados. Qué está haciendo su administración o qué piensa hacer para mejorar las oportunidades para las familias latinas?]" 10

Joe Biden

Somewhat Negative
00:01:33-00:01:54 (21 sec)
"We did a whole lot. Since I became president, we created 15 million new jobs, and 4.5 million of those jobs are occupied by Latinos, number one. Number two, unemployment rate fell below 4% and the Latino employment rate is a record low. Record small business filings by Latino businesses, the largest ever." 11

Joe Biden

Very Positive
00:01:54-00:02:15 (21 sec)
"Latino entrepreneurs are receiving two times more small business bank loans than before. And, you know, we're -- and we're doing a lot of other things. The economy is giving everybody a fair shot. Look, Raul, we used to -- I -- I come from a family that -- four kids in a three-bedroom house with grandpa living with us, and not a whole lot of that trickle-down economics landed on my dad's kitchen table." 12

Joe Biden

Very Positive
00:02:15-00:02:36 (21 sec)
"I've always been the guy who build the middle class. You give the working class a way up, and the wealthy still do well, as long as they start paying their taxes. And so, one of the things I promised that -- I promised we'd invest in communities that was left out. The result is the fastest creation of Latino-owned businesses in more than a decade." 13

Joe Biden

00:02:36-00:02:57 (21 sec)
"And I put in $15 billion for Hispanic-serving colleges and universities, the largest investment ever. And we also reduced the price of insulin for people who badly need it. There are thousands and thousands of -- actually, hundreds of thousands of Latinos who have diabetes and need insulin. And instead of paying $400 a month, it's down to 35 bucks a month." 14

Joe Biden

Somewhat Negative
00:02:57-00:03:18 (21 sec)
"And for -- for seniors -- and with COVID -- everybody got a $1,400 check during the COVID. And Latino unemployment dropped. There a lot more things, but one of the big things we're doing is getting rid of junk fees. For example, we had a bank overdraft, you were having to pay $30 to $40 to your bank for that overdraft." 15

Joe Biden

Leans Negative
00:03:18-00:03:39 (21 sec)
"Well, guess what? Now, you only have to pay $8, and it's going probably lower to $3. If you even call and ask your bank what's in your -- in your account, they'd charge you a fee. That's not -- they're not -- they shouldn't be doing that. We're lowering the cost of housing, making the wealthy pay their taxes." 16

Joe Biden

Leans Positive
00:03:39-00:04:00 (21 sec)
"And we're cutting family taxes, protecting Social Security and Medicare, which they want to cut as well. I could go on for a long time, but look --" 17

Raul Molinar

00:04:00-00:04:01 (1 sec)
"Yes." 18

Joe Biden

Somewhat Negative
00:04:01-00:04:20 (19 sec)
"Inflation is down from 9% down to 3% and going down lower. We've got more to do. That's why I've worked on these junk fees, which really mattered [Inaudible] For working-class families, you end up in a situation where you have an extra 75 or 100 bucks you got to pay for, and these fees you didn't anticipate makes a difference, at least in the household I was raised in." 19

Raul Molinar

00:04:20-00:04:52 (32 sec)
"[AI English Translation: That's how it is. Thank you, Mr. President. Mr. President Speaking about the economy, he says that he is doing a lot since he took office, he assumed the presidency. He says more than 16 million new jobs have been created. 4.5 million of those jobs are held by Latinos. As point number one and as point number two, it says that the unemployment rate has also fallen below 4%, among other things, such as, for example, it says that it is helping all Hispanics in university colleges with more than 15 billion of dollars in investments.] - [AI Spanish Transcript: Así es. Gracias, señor Presidente. El señor Presidente Hablando de la economía, él dice que está haciendo mucho desde que asumió, asumió la presidencia. Él dice que se han creado más de 16 millones de nuevos empleos. 4.5 millones de esos empleos están ocupados por latinos. Como punto número uno y como punto número dos dice que también la tasa de desempleo ha caído por debajo del 4%, entre otras cosas, como por ejemplo, dice que está ayudando a todos los hispanos en los colegios universitarios con más de 15 mil millones de dólares en inversiones.]" 20

Raul Molinar

00:04:52-00:05:18 (26 sec)
"[AI English Translation: It is also helping health people with diabetes. She says they are giving her an affordable price for insulin. Instead of paying $400 a month, they are paying $35 a month, among other things, such as bank overdrafts. He says that now instead of paying $30 $40 they are only charging you from 8 to 3 dollars, among other things.] - [AI Spanish Transcript: También está ayudando a personas de la salud con diabetes. Dice que le han le están dando un precio de la insulina accesible. En lugar de estar pagando $400 al mes, están pagando $35 al mes, entre otras cosas, como también, por ejemplo los sobregiros bancarios. Él dice que ahora se están pagando de en lugar de pagar $30 $40 te están cobrando solamente de 8 a 3 dólares, entre otras cosas.]" 21

Raul Molinar

00:05:18-00:05:41 (23 sec)
"[AI English Translation: Mr. President Joe Biden, thank you for being here. In interview with us. A very important question, sir, is immigration reform. Many former presidents, including you, have promised to solve the immigration system, but until it is fulfilled, nothing clear has been seen. This is something that you plan to address in your second term. And how? How would this be?] - [AI Spanish Transcript: Señor Presidente Joe Biden gracias por estar aquí. En entrevista con nosotros. Una pregunta muy importante señor es la reforma migratoria la inmigración. Muchos expresidentes incluyéndolo también a usted han prometido solucionar el sistema migratorio, pero pues hasta un no se cumple no se ha visto algo claro, Esto es algo que usted planea abordar en su segundo mandato. Y cómo? Cómo sería esto?]" 22

Joe Biden

Very Positive
00:05:41-00:06:15 (34 sec)
"Well, it's a big part of my agenda. The first piece of legislation I introduced when I became president in 2020 was reforming the immigration system to make sure we allow more people work permits. We make sure that we have enough people who are going to be able to get through the legal way increase. Look, one of the reasons why we grow as an economy, unlike other countries that don't allow for much immigration, is that we have an immigration system increasing employment in the United States of America, that's generating income, generating growth in America." 23

Joe Biden

00:06:15-00:06:39 (24 sec)
"And our system is broken. And here's what I did. When I got -- I kept trying to get my Republican friends to focus on this, and they wouldn't. We put together a coalition, led by a very conservative Republican senator and five other people, to come up with a compromise, and they did, and it was most far-reaching immigration reform ever, including providing easier access to work permits, a whole range of things." 24

Joe Biden

00:06:39-00:07:00 (21 sec)
"And guess what? Donald Trump got on the telephone, and this is a fact, he started calling senators and say don't vote for that or you'll be -- you would be a victim of my retribution. And so, guess what? It stalled. If we brought it up tomorrow, there's enough Republicans and Democrats -- overwhelming number of Democrats and enough Republicans to make it become law." 25

Raul Molinar

00:07:00-00:07:01 (1 sec)
"Yes." 26

Joe Biden

00:07:01-00:07:06 (5 sec)
"I'm going to continue to push for it. And look, what it does is it accelerates the asylum process --" 27

Raul Molinar

00:07:06-00:07:07 (1 sec)
"Yes." 28

Joe Biden

Leans Negative
00:07:07-00:07:22 (15 sec)
"Increases work permits, secures the border, and it's the toughest and fairest reform ever. It didn't get everything I wanted. I called for a pathway for citizenship for Dreamers, and other guy has tried to terminate DACA, that wants to end the birthright citizenship, which is ridiculous. Look, the end of birthright citizenship, you and I wouldn't be citizens." 29

Joe Biden

Very Negative
00:07:22-00:07:36 (14 sec)
"I wouldn't be a citizen. So, the point is that it's crazy, what they're trying to do. But there's a lot we can do. But here's the thing I want to stop." 30

Raul Molinar

00:07:36-00:07:37 (1 sec)
"Yes." 31

Joe Biden

Very Negative
00:07:37-00:07:55 (18 sec)
"Trump, this Saturday, called migrants -- he said they're not people. He said immigrants are poisoning the blood of this country. He separated children from parents and border-caged the kids, plans mass deportations of the tens of thousands of people here, and he wants to end birthright citizenship. I mean, we have to stop this guy." 32

Joe Biden

00:07:55-00:08:00 (5 sec)
"We can't let this happen. We are a nation of immigrants." 33

Raul Molinar

00:08:00-00:08:22 (22 sec)
"[AI English Translation: That's how it is. We totally understand. Yes, we understand, Mr. President. He's talking about Donald Trump last. Quickly, the President said about immigration that this is a big part of his agenda. He says the first thing, the first piece of legislation that he introduced when he became president in 2020, was immigration reform. But what he wants is to make sure that there are enough people who have been available to vote in favor of this reform.] - [AI Spanish Transcript: Asi es. We totally understand. Si, lo entendemos, señor Presidente. Está hablando de Donald Trump al último. Rápidamente, el señor Presidente dijo sobre la inmigración que esta es una gran parte de su agenda. Dice que lo primero, la primer pieza de la legislación que introduce él cuando se convirtió en el presidente en el año 2020, fue una reforma de inmigración. Pero lo que él quiere es asegurarse de que hay suficientes personas que han estado disponibles para votar a favor de esta reforma.]" 34

Raul Molinar

00:08:22-00:08:43 (21 sec)
"[AI English Translation: He says that the immigration system we have is broken. He says all he did when he arrived was try to get his Republican friends to focus, more than anything, on improving the immigration system. And unfortunately they didn't. He says that when they were about to vote, Donald Trump himself spoke on the phone and began to tell those who were in favor of the reform not to vote for that, but that if we vote for it, the president says that if they vote ahead That is, today, for example, in Arizona, where there are primaries, there is enough support from Democrats and enough Republicans for the law to become, that is, for the reform to become a law.] - [AI Spanish Transcript: Dice que el sistema migratorio que tenemos está roto. Dice que todo lo que él hizo cuando llegó fue tratar de que sus amigos republicanos se concentraran, más que nada en mejorar el sistema migratorio. Y lamentablemente no lo hicieron. Dice que cuando estaban a punto de votar, el mismísimo Donald Trump habló por teléfono y comenzó a decirles a los que estaban a favor de la reforma que no votaran por eso, pero que si sacamos la votación dice el presidente que si sacan la votación adelante, o sea, el día de hoy, por ejemplo, en Arizona, donde hay primarias, hay suficiente apoyo de los demócratas y suficientes republicanos para que la ley se convierta, o sea, que la reforma se convierta en una ley.]" 35

Raul Molinar

00:08:43-00:09:08 (25 sec)
"[AI English Translation: Today, gentlemen, and he says that he is going to continue pressing for this to happen now that it also includes work permits, aid, asylums, as well as security. On the border there are also people who want to take away DACA from Dreamers, take away the right of citizenship from hundreds of babies born here in the United States and say that this is crazy.] - [AI Spanish Transcript: El día de hoy, señores, Y dice que va a seguir presionando para que esto pase ya de que también, Pues que incluya permisos de trabajo, ayudas, asilos, además de seguridad. En la frontera también hay gente que le quiere quitar el DACA a los dreamers, quitar el derecho de la ciudadanía a cientos de bebés nacidos aquí en los Estados Unidos y dice que esto es una locura.]" 36

Raul Molinar

00:09:09-00:09:30 (21 sec)
"[AI English Translation: It's ridiculous. He says that Donald Trump spoke recently saying that the people who are here without documents are not people, that they are animals. And all this.] - [AI Spanish Transcript: Es ridículo. Dice que Donald Trump habló hace poco diciendo que las personas que están aquí sin documentos no son personas, que son unos animales. Y todo esto.]" 37


00:09:30-00:09:43 (13 sec)
"[Commercial Break]" 38

Raul Molinar

00:09:45-00:10:03 (18 sec)
"[AI English Translation: Talking, talking. Mr. President Donald Trump, could you tell me three significant differences between you and the likely Republican presidential candidate? Could Donald Trump give us three of those differences?] - [AI Spanish Transcript: Hablando, hablando. Señor presidente de Donald Trump, me podría usted decir tres diferencias significativas entre usted y el probable candidato por el lado republicano a la presidencia? Donald Trump nos podría dar tres de esas diferencias?]" 39

Joe Biden

Very Positive
00:10:05-00:10:28 (23 sec)
"I can name about 20 if you want me to. But the point is that number one is that I want to make it clear to you that, now, first of all, I tell you the truth, and I'm not being [Inaudible] when I say that. I've never -- and the fact checks by you in the press pointed out that this guy has misrepresented so much." 40

Joe Biden

00:10:28-00:10:48 (20 sec)
"Secondly, I'm going to protect Social Security and Medicare and Obamacare. Trump wants to cut -- cut Obamacare, and he wants to -- I mean, cut these other programs to eliminate Obamacare, which millions of -- millions of Hispanics are -- are -- get their health insurance from. I'm fighting for middle-class and working-class families." 41

Joe Biden

Very Positive
00:10:48-00:11:13 (25 sec)
"Trump himself is for himself and big corporations. He wants to increase and then he wants another tax cut of $2 trillion, if he gets elected, for the very wealthy. I -- I want to make sure that working-class and middle-class people like where I come from get -- get a chance. And I've never demonized immigrants, and I'm never going to separate families, and I'm still working to reunite those separated under Trump, working hard to build a safe and orderly humane immigration system." 42

Joe Biden

Very Negative
00:11:13-00:11:33 (20 sec)
"And as I said, here's what he said about immigrants, poisoning the blood of the country. He separated kids and parents at the border, and then he caged the children. He's planning messed up -- mass deportations of literally several million people who are here in the country, several million people. And he wants to end birthright citizenship." 43

Joe Biden

Very Positive
00:11:33-00:11:49 (16 sec)
"You know, this guy despises Latinos. And I understand Latino values. You know, they're like -- they're kind of -- we just celebrated St. Patrick's Day. I hope you're not offended by my saying this. But, you know, the thing about the Irish who came here, they're about family, about faith, about decency." 44

Raul Molinar

00:11:49-00:11:50 (1 sec)
"Yes." 45

Joe Biden

00:11:50-00:11:57 (7 sec)
"And that's exactly what Latino community is all about, family, for all I know. And by the way, the last point I'll make --" 46

Raul Molinar

00:11:57-00:11:58 (1 sec)
"Yes." 47

Joe Biden

Somewhat Negative
00:11:58-00:12:09 (11 sec)
"Twenty-five out of every 100 students in American schools today are students -- are -- are -- who speak Spanish. How in God's name can we ignore that?" 48

Raul Molinar

00:12:09-00:12:35 (26 sec)
"[AI English Translation: Yes, totally agree. The president was asking him about three differences between him and what could be the probable candidate for the Republican side Donald Trump, and he began by saying I can tell you 20 differences before saying anything. But for example, the first is that he wants to protect Social Security and also Obamacare.] - [AI Spanish Transcript: Yes, totally agree. El presidente le estaba preguntando sobre tres diferencias entre él y lo que podría ser el probable candidato por el lado republicano Donald Trump, y el de él comenzó diciendo Te puedo decir 20 diferencias antes que nada dice. Pero por ejemplo, la primera es que quiere proteger el Seguro social y también Obamacare.]" 49

Raul Molinar

00:12:35-00:13:02 (27 sec)
"[AI English Translation: And Trump wants to eliminate Obamacare knowing that thousands of Hispanics would be left without health insurance. Point number two. He says he wants to cut $2 trillion in taxes from wealthy families and large corporations, and that President Biden. He wants to help middle class people with taxes, with taxes and to have a better opportunity, like the middle class family where he comes from.] - [AI Spanish Transcript: Y Trump quiere eliminar Obamacare sabiendo que miles de hispanos se quedarían sin seguro médico. Punto número dos. Dice que él quiere cortar 2 trillones de dólares en taxes a las familias adineradas y a las grandes corporaciones, y que el presidente Biden. Él quiere ayudar a la gente de clase media con los taxes, con los impuestos y que tengan una mejor oportunidad, como la familia de clase media de donde él viene.]" 50

Raul Molinar

00:13:02-00:13:22 (20 sec)
"[AI English Translation: And third, he will never demonize immigrants or try to separate families and he will innovate the immigration system. Mr. President Biden Lastly, how important is the Latino vote as today, when primaries are being held in the state of Arizona, and how are your administration interacting, how are you interacting with Latinos, who can make an important decision on the day of today and that perhaps they are undecided when it comes to voting.] - [AI Spanish Transcript: Y tercero, él nunca va a demonizar a los inmigrantes o o intentar de separar familias y que va a innovar el sistema de inmigración. Señor Presidente Biden Por último qué importancia tiene el voto latino como el día de hoy que se están llevando primarias en el estado de Arizona y usted como está interactuando su administración, como está interactuando con los latinos, que pueden tomar una decisión importante el día de hoy y que tal vez están indecisos a la hora de acercarse a votar.]" 51

Joe Biden

Very Positive
00:13:24-00:13:36 (12 sec)
"Well, first of all, we're working hard. Latinos were essential to my win in 2020." 52

Raul Molinar

00:13:36-00:13:37 (1 sec)
"Yes." 53

Joe Biden

Very Positive
00:13:37-00:13:55 (18 sec)
"And they begin essential. Working hard to earn their vote. Earliest ever ad campaign to communicate directly with Latino voters about what we've done in English and in Spanish. Campaign is organizing around the ground Latino communities. We're taking -- we're -- you know, we're taking the voters to start talking about clear choices that exist and about lowering costs for families, creating opportunities." 54

Joe Biden

Very Negative
00:13:55-00:14:12 (17 sec)
"My administration beat the COVID crisis, and we sent $1,400 checks and record-low unemployment for Latinos. As I said, we -- we reduced insulin. We -- the fastest created rate of Latino-owned businesses in more than a decade. Fifteen million bucks I've been able to get to Hispanic-serving college education and university." 55

Raul Molinar

00:14:13-00:14:14 (1 sec)
"Yes." 56

Joe Biden

00:14:14-00:14:45 (31 sec)
"Largest investment ever. And with Trump, it's all about revenge and retribution, and he wants to get rid of health care, and only that would eliminate so many people who have -- are uninsured -- who are uninsured. He wants to put -- put an end to DACA. He wants to watch the COVID-19 response. Rip kids from -- from their families." 57

Joe Biden

Slightly Negative
00:14:45-00:15:02 (17 sec)
"I mean, it's just -- look, the Latino community is critical to the value set we have. The Latino community is all about family. And look, we -- and we're launching Latinos on Biden this week because Latinos are critical. We're going to be in Arizona when we do that." 58

Raul Molinar

00:15:02-00:15:03 (1 sec)
"Yes." 59

Joe Biden

00:15:03-00:15:06 (3 sec)
"And I plan on working like the devil to earn the support." 60

Raul Molinar

00:15:07-00:15:33 (26 sec)
"[AI English Translation: Thank you so much. The president of the United States. He says that first of all, he is working very hard to win the Latino vote. He says that he needs the voters and that he wants to reach the majority who speak Spanish, who speak Spanish and as he said he had mentioned before, he wants to help Latinos and their businesses, while Trump, he wants to take revenge by taking away their health insurance, removing DACA, removing COVID 19 aid and even taking away the children of families who have arrived] - [AI Spanish Transcript: Thank you so much. El presidente de los Estados Unidos. Él dice que primero que nada, está trabajando muy duro para ganar el voto de los latinos. Dice que necesita los votantes y que quiere alcanzar a la mayoría que hablan español, que hablamos español y como dice lo había mencionado antes, él quiere ayudar a los latinos y a sus negocios, mientras que Trump, él se quiere vengar quitándoles el seguro médico, quitando DACA, quitando la ayuda del COVID 19 y hasta quitándole los hijos a las familias que han llegado.]" 61

Raul Molinar

00:15:34-00:15:45 (11 sec)
"[AI English Translation: And that's not what this country is about. Yes, Mr. President of the United States, Joe Biden, we want to thank you. Thank you so much for being here with us. We want to thank you infinitely for being here with us.] - [AI Spanish Transcript: Y pues de eso no se trata este país. Sí, señor Presidente de los Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, le queremos agradecer. Thank you so much for being here with us. Le queremos agradecer infinitamente por estar aquí con nosotros.]" 62

Joe Biden

00:15:47-00:15:48 (1 sec)
"I hope you'll have me back. I'm going to be a pest." 63

Raul Molinar

00:15:49-00:15:55 (6 sec)
"[AI English Translation: Of course. Man, don't worry. Thank you so much. Ladies and Gentlemen. The president of the United States, Joe Biden. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. President.] - [AI Spanish Transcript: Yes. Hombre, no se preocupe. Muchas gracias. Señoras y señores. El presidente de los Estados Unidos, Joe Biden. Gracias. Gracias, señor Presidente.]" 64

Andres Maldonado

Somewhat Positive
00:15:55-00:15:56 (1 sec)
"Thank you." 65

Joe Biden

Somewhat Positive
00:15:56-00:15:57 (1 sec)
"Thank you." 66

Raul Molinar

Somewhat Positive
00:15:57-00:15:59 (2 sec)
"Thank you. Gracias." 67