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Remarks: Joe Biden Addresses Campaign Staff in Manchester, New Hampshire - March 11, 2024

  • Joe Biden
  • Unidentified
  • Note


00:00:00-00:00:04 (5 sec)
"Mr. President." 1

Joe Biden

Very Positive
00:00:04-00:00:28 (24 sec)
"First of all, [Inaudible] thank you. Thank you. And you, you got a good little training with -- you know, with a United States senator. Hey, folks. Thanks an awful lot. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. Look, it stunned me, the write-in campaign you all did. No, I really did. I was very careful not to be here." 2

Joe Biden

Very Positive
00:00:28-00:01:03 (35 sec)
"Sir. But really, I was stunned, and I was really pleased. By the way, the national Black organizations and Hispanic organizations just endorsed me. AAPI? They had a meeting down in Atlanta, Georgia. Yeah, they did. Anyway, but thank you very, very much. Look, I -- I am optimistic not just about winning, but I'm optimistic about the country." 3

Joe Biden

00:01:03-00:01:26 (24 sec)
"I think the country is just wondering -- look, people have really been banged around for a while now. And with the help of your delegation -- and that's not hyperbole, that's a fact, with the help your delegation, we got things passed that no one thought we could get passed from the -- from the -- everything from the infrastructure bill to the veterans bill, all the stuff we got passed." 4

Joe Biden

Very Positive
00:01:26-00:01:51 (25 sec)
"And much of it without a single solitary Republican vote, not one. And -- and -- but we knew it's going to take a little time for people to begin to see the benefits of it because it's just a big, big country, and there's a lot -- hi, how are you? How are you doing? I'll keep going. Don't stop because of me." 5

Joe Biden

00:01:51-00:01:53 (2 sec)
"What's your name?" 6


00:01:53-00:01:54 ( sec)
"Rosie." 7

Joe Biden

Very Positive
00:01:54-00:02:24 (30 sec)
"Rosie, my name is Joe. Is this your big brother? Is he OK? Amen. You know, my dad used to say, "You got one job. Keep the boys away from your sister." But all kidding aside, look, I think we have enormous opportunities, enormous opportunities. The country is ready to get up and go. And everything from what we've been able to do in a general sense, you know, 15 million new jobs." 8

Joe Biden

Very Positive
00:02:24-00:02:45 (22 sec)
"That's good. But it doesn't -- it doesn't really connect yet to people even though they're benefiting from it. Inflation, down from 9% to 3%, 800,000 manufacturing jobs. But my dad used to have an expression. He said, "Joey, a job is about a lot more than a paycheck. It's about your integrity. It's about your dignity." 9

Joe Biden

Very Positive
00:02:45-00:03:04 (18 sec)
"It's about being able to look your kid in the eyes and say it's going to be OK." And one of the main things I try to do, I'm going to continue to do, God willing, if we get reelected, is finish the job by continuing to focus on the middle class. Because when the middle class does well, the poor have a way up and the wealthy still do very well." 10

Joe Biden

Very Positive
00:03:04-00:03:28 (24 sec)
"They still do very well. But they got to start paying their fair share. And I drive my staff crazy because I say, "How can we be the finest nation and the greatest nation in the world if we have a second-rate education system? How can we be the finest nation in the world if we don't invest in research and development?" 11

Joe Biden

Somewhat Positive
00:03:28-00:03:47 (19 sec)
"How can we be the finest nation without the best education system?" I mean, just across the board, healthcare system, how can we do that? And, you know, I think the American people get it. If you take a look at -- I know the press is here and they're all wonderful people. I don't know why they don't like me a lot more than Trump." 12

Joe Biden

Somewhat Positive
00:03:47-00:04:11 (24 sec)
"But the way -- the way he talks about you guys, man. That's a joke. I'm kidding. I shouldn't even be kidding with it. I [Inaudible] pay a price for having said that. But, look, you know, everything we've done, if you take a look at it -- and none of the polling matters much more now, it's way out. But number two, polling is kind of changed a lot, too." 13

Joe Biden

Somewhat Positive
00:04:11-00:04:32 (21 sec)
"It's not nearly as accurate. It's not nearly as capable as it was before because you've got to make 6 zillion calls to get one person on their cell phone, etc. But one of the things is that there's three things I want to do. One, I want to restore the soul of this country when I ran the first time I met her." 14

Joe Biden

Very Positive
00:04:32-00:05:00 (28 sec)
"And it sounds like -- it sounds like hyperbole. But I just need basic dignity, basic -- just basic sense of dignity and just treating people with respect. I mean, we -- I've been -- I know I don't look it, but I've been around a long while. But all kidding aside, think about it. I doubt whether those of you who've been around half the time I've been around thought it would ever get to this point, the way we treat one another in politics." 15

Joe Biden

Very Negative
00:05:00-00:05:35 (35 sec)
"It's just not healthy. I -- reason Barack asked me to be his vice president was because of my background in foreign policy. And I spent a lot -- an awful lot of time traveling the world and knew almost every major world leader. I know them all now as well. And they're wondering about us, when they're wondering about whether we are the same country we have advertised ourselves to be since end of World War II, when they're wondering about whether we -- we are the same country we have advertised ourselves to be since into World War II." 16

Joe Biden

Somewhat Positive
00:05:35-00:06:01 (27 sec)
"There's a lot at stake. And it's about protecting us, not just them. So, when I talk about it, everybody wonders why I talk in the middle of a campaign about -- about dealing with making sure that Ukraine is -- is taken care of. Well, you know, the message that the president says when he says to Putin, "Come on, if we -- they don't pay their dues, you just come in, do whatever the hell you want." You know, you have -- I mean, there's things that -- anyway." 17

Joe Biden

Leans Positive
00:06:01-00:06:36 (35 sec)
"The same thing with regard to dealing with the border. The border -- first bill I ever introduced as a president of the United States was essentially what got passed this time out, led by Republican -- by the conservative Republican who they're vilifying now for having worked out this deal. But look, what we need is -- we need is -- we need just an orderly process of the border, not to keep -- they're not vermin, they're not scum, they're not people who are all criminals coming -- Thank you." 18

Joe Biden

Very Negative
00:06:36-00:07:11 (35 sec)
"And, you know, it's -- I -- I think the American people get it. But the way it's being run now is just not -- well, I'm going on too long. But, look, healthcare is critically important. I've been fighting from the time I was a kid in the Senate to take on -- to take on the Big Pharma companies. The idea that it costs $10 to make insulin, $13 to package it or toll, and they're selling for 400 bucks, it's crazy." 19

Joe Biden

00:07:11-00:07:30 (19 sec)
"It's a rip-off. If you got in Air Force One with me, flew out of here, and I flew you to Toronto, to Berlin, to -- to Rome, to any place in the world, when you brought your prescription with you, whatever it is for whatever product, you're going to pay 40% to 60% less in any country you land in but made by the same company." 20

Joe Biden

Very Positive
00:07:30-00:07:57 (27 sec)
"So it's just about being fair. And the process is it also cuts the deficit. Well, we did so far just reduce the cost of insulin from an average of somewhere around 400 bucks a month to 35 bucks a month. Well, it not just helped -- it not just helped the patient, it saved the country $160 billion, $160 billion." 21

Joe Biden

Very Positive
00:07:57-00:08:17 (20 sec)
"They're paying out less because the Medicare didn't have to pay it. And the same way, with regard to the Affordable Care Act, you know, 800 bucks, if you -- you have a thousands of people here in your state qualifying for it, well over 100,000 across the country doing it. More than that, quite frankly, significantly more." 22

Joe Biden

Somewhat Positive
00:08:17-00:08:41 (24 sec)
"And the end result of it is that if you didn't have that Affordable Care Act and you had a preexisting condition, you couldn't afford an insurance. So, it's about basic fairness, just basic decency. By the way, I'll stop talking, and I'll take questions if you want me to. But one of the things that I found interesting is Trump keeps talking about the deficit." 23

Joe Biden

Leans Negative
00:08:41-00:08:46 (5 sec)
"Well, he raised the deficit more in four years than any president in American history." 24


00:08:46-00:08:46 ( sec)
"Yup." 25


Very Positive
00:08:46-00:08:47 (1 sec)
"Wow." 26

Joe Biden

Slightly Negative
00:08:47-00:08:48 (1 sec)
"We've cut it." 27


Slightly Positive
00:08:48-00:08:48 ( sec)
"Yeah." 28

Joe Biden

Very Positive
00:08:48-00:09:12 (24 sec)
"We've cut -- we've done all this in [Inaudible] but it's just about, you know, we've never lived up to -- we hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women are created equal, endowed by the creator, etc. We never fully lived up to it. We've never walked away from it. This guy wants to walk away from it." 29

Joe Biden

Very Positive
00:09:12-00:09:34 (22 sec)
"Listen to what he's saying. Listen to what he wants to do. Well, I was down in Georgia working on healthcare and making sure that we had the support of all the minority organizations in the country that we support so strongly, he went to Viktor Orban, who talked about democracy being the problem and tell him how much he understood him and agreed with him." 30

Joe Biden

Leans Negative
00:09:34-00:09:54 (20 sec)
"Come on. I mean, so this is not who we are. We got to make sure that we communicate that. I'm going to be working like the devil, and I'm looking forward to doing more and more of these events than the big events because this -- because this is how I used to campaign. You've campaigned with me before." 31


00:09:54-00:09:55 (1 sec)
"Three times." 32

Joe Biden

00:09:55-00:10:12 (18 sec)
"Three times? But really it's about just getting to look people in the eye, get their feelings. I tell the truth when I talk to them. Anyway, am I allowed to take any questions? Anybody here on the staff?" 33


00:10:12-00:10:12 ( sec)
"[Laughter]" 34


Somewhat Positive
00:10:12-00:10:16 (3 sec)
"Thank you, press." 35