Speech: Donald Trump in Akron, OH - August 22, 2016

Speech: Donald Trump in Akron, OH - August 22, 2016

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton trade

Donald Trump
00:36:55 - 00:39:50 (175 sec)
If you keep voting for the same failed politicians, you will keep getting the same results. They don't care about you, they just like you once every four years, get your vote and then they say bye-bye. [Applause] What do you have to lose? And you know what? I'll do a great job. I'll do a great job. Applause] But most importantly, I want to talk to you about really what you have to gain. Those hurting in our country have so much to gain by joining our campaign for a new and more inclusive American future. Tax reforms will add millions of new jobs and thousands of small businesses. My energy reforms will create millions of new jobs and lower the price of your energy bills which right now are going through the roof. Applause] My trade reforms will raise wages, grow jobs and add trillions of dollars in new wealth to our country and to our people. My immigration reforms will protect your jobs and stop businesses from exploiting visa programs that hurt poor workers and everybody else. [Applause] My infrastructure plans will rebuild your roads, your bridges, your tunnels, your airports, which are in terrible shape, the worst shape they've been in in over 50 years. My regulatory reform will make it easier for African-American small businesses to thrive and for young children to live out their dreams without crime and without being scared to walk down the street. Applause] My promise of school choice -- you know what the word choice is, it's called competition -- my promise of the word choice, charter schools and merit pay for teachers will help low-income students in our inner cities. Teachers, one of the most important professions; no matter what you do, there is nothing so important. [Applause] We love our teachers. We love our teachers.
energy bills
four years
50 years
great job
inclusive American future
Donald Trump
00:46:08 - 00:46:09 (1 sec)