
Donald J. Trump
Speech: Donald Trump in Baton Rouge, LA - December 9, 2016
3 Topics
1 Speaker
Full Transcript
Donald Trump
00:00:00-00:00:26 (26 sec)Weak (1.215)
We're gonna go for John. Great to be here. I learned a lot from the great state of Louisiana, OK? Believe me. And you've heard me tell this story numerous times. I came here just at the end of the primary and as you know, I wasn't expected to win. Can you believe that Louisiana? And I was here a few weeks before.
Donald Trump
00:00:26-00:00:49 (23 sec)No Signal (0.475)
And I said, what do you mean I'm not expected? The crowd is incredible. But some poll -- do you know the polls are not very honest. And so they said -- look at this of these guys. So, so I came down on a Friday night to a massive hangar. The place was absolutely thousands and thousands of people. I think 24,000, 25,000 people.
Donald Trump
00:00:49-00:01:16 (27 sec)No Signal (0.237)
And I left and I said, you know, I think I'm gonna win this state and I won the state easily, right? And then I checked in the delegates and the delegates were -- I didn't have as many as people that I beat. And I said, this system is crooked. You mean, I come down, I do all that work. I came down, I use one of the biggest hangars, bigger -- I don't know.
Donald Trump
00:01:16-00:01:37 (22 sec)No Signal (0.377)
Maybe this one. Was it this one? But it was a big hangar. Yeah, bigger. And we have a hell of a crowd today. But I'll tell you we had something. So what happened. I win. And then a week later, I'm going over the count and it said Louisiana and it had names ahead of me for delegates. I said, wait a minute.
Donald Trump
00:01:37-00:01:58 (20 sec)No Signal (0.345)
So I won this state. I got more votes than anybody, by far. It wasn't even close. And the system is rigged. I said that's it. So you taught me and after that, we started doing very well. We didn't let that happen anymore. We didn't let that happen. We cut off. We cut it off at the pass. But I want to thank you.
Donald Trump
00:01:58-00:02:21 (23 sec)No Signal (0.266)
This is an amazing, an amazing state. And tomorrow, we need you to go to the polls and send John Kennedy to the United States Senate and that's why I'm down here. That's why I'm here. He's a great guy. He's a great guy. He's a good guy, number one. He's a good person. And somebody that I've known over the years and he's somebody that's worked hard for you over the years.
Donald Trump
00:02:21-00:02:39 (18 sec)No Signal (0.02)
And now, the big thing we have to get the people to go to the polls. And if you go to the polls, he's gonna win. If you don't go to the polls, he's not gonna win. And if he doesn't win, I've got myself a problem in Washington because, you know, we have -- it's pretty close. It's pretty close. We need John.
Donald Trump
00:02:39-00:03:00 (21 sec)No Signal (0.101)
We need John in Washington. Not only for the vote, we need for leadership and everything else. But if you go there, we're gonna win. Kennedy is a proven leader, who's balanced, which is amazing, 16 budget, return millions of dollars to taxpayers. He's a tax cutter and he will be a true fighter for Louisiana in Washington.
Donald Trump
00:03:00-00:03:29 (29 sec)No Signal (0.023)
He will be a fighter for you. So important. We need John Kennedy in the Senate to help enact our agenda and we have to do it. Our agenda on behalf of the people, of the state and for this country. That includes protecting the Second Amendment, repealing and replacing Obamacare, securing our southern border.
Donald Trump
00:03:29-00:04:23 (54 sec)No StressLens
We'll build a wall. That's right. We're gonna build a wall. Well, if John is not there, maybe we can't build the wall. So now, I know you're gonna come out. We're gonna build. [Audience chants "Build the wall"] This is Louisiana. We don't need coats, right? We don't need the coat. And by the way, I don't need a hat either, right?
Donald Trump
00:04:23-00:05:02 (39 sec)No Signal (0.505)
Who wants a hat? All right. Nice looking tall guy. He'll give it to that kid, come on. We're gonna bring back our manufacturing jobs. Reduce taxes, big leagues. We're gonna confirm our nominee to the United States Supreme Court. Electing John Kennedy will help ensure that government stops listening to the special interests and starts delivering for the national interest, for our country, for our people.
Donald Trump
00:05:02-00:05:25 (23 sec)No Signal (0.191)
The people that showed up to vote. The people that were forgotten people. You know what I'm talking about. They were forgotten. Folks, you're not forgotten anymore, believe me. Nobody is forgotten. I think the Democrats are gonna change their game plan next time. What do you think? The forgotten men and their forgotten women are not forgotten anymore.
Donald Trump
00:05:25-00:05:52 (27 sec)No Signal (0.275)
It's time to deliver for you, the American people. To help me do that, I also need you to elect Mike Johnson in the 4th District. Another fighter from Louisiana. Mike's father just passed away, just passed away. So he's in our thoughts and he's in our prayers. Very amazing -- horrible timing a a sense. Just passed away.
Donald Trump
00:05:52-00:06:17 (25 sec)No Signal (0.52)
I mean, he loves his father. I will tell you that. And his father was a great guy. So get out there and vote for Johnson, and vote for Kennedy. Get out and vote. Working with these great Louisiana leaders, we're going to do amazing things for our country. Our plan begins with bold structural reform to create millions of really good paying jobs.
Donald Trump
00:06:17-00:06:46 (29 sec)No Signal (0.261)
We've lost our great jobs. And you know, this is gonna be a big part because you're in the energy business more than most places. And we're gonna see refineries and we're gonna see pipelines and we're gonna see lots of things happening. So get out there and vote. First, on taxes. We're gonna undertake one of the great tax reforms and simplifications in American history.
Donald Trump
00:06:46-00:07:21 (34 sec)No Signal (0.113)
At the center of our plan is massive tax relief for the American middle class. We're also -- goes all right. You'd better believe it, right? We're also gonna lower our business tax rate from 35% all the way down to 15%. We're gonna start hiring again. And we are going to make it not so easy when companies want to leave Louisiana and go to other states, go to other countries, go to other states.
Donald Trump
00:07:21-00:07:43 (22 sec)No Signal (0.063)
You know what, if they do. I'm sorry folks, you got to fight for yourself, right? But they go out, they go to other countries, they make their product, they sell it back through a very weak border. We have a very weak border and probably the weakest border. Does it get any weaker in the world than this? You know we fight for other countries, so they can have a border.
Donald Trump
00:07:43-00:08:17 (34 sec)No StressLens
But we don't fight for our own borders. Isn't it incredible? It's incredible. On regulations, we're gonna eliminate every single wasteful regulation that undermines the ability of our workers and our companies to compete. On energy, you more than any other state almost, we will cancel the job killing restrictions on the production of American energy, including shale, oil, natural gas and clean coal.
Donald Trump
00:08:17-00:08:46 (29 sec)No Signal (0.202)
And you know, we haven't had refineries built in decades, right? We're gonna have refineries built again, folks. We use refineries from other countries. I mean, the whole thing is just crazy. It's crazy. On infrastructure, I'll ask Congress to pass legislation that produces $1 trillion of new investments in America's crumbling infrastructure and that's so true.
Donald Trump
00:08:46-00:09:07 (21 sec)No Signal (0.662)
I have a friend, who's one of the biggest truckers in the world, and he buys these very expensive trucks. I won't give you the name. But the most expensive, most pure, you're so proud of it. The best. And he calls me not so long ago and he goes. You know, I travel from Texas to New York. I travel from Louisiana to someplace.
Donald Trump
00:09:07-00:09:24 (17 sec)No Signal (0.195)
He said, I come back and my trucks are all busted up because of the roads. I said, when did that happen before? He said, never happened. He says never been like this. They're all busted up. And he said he's gonna buy cheap trucks from now on. So I guess, that's -- we want him to buy the better trucks. We want to fix up our infrastructure.
Donald Trump
00:09:24-00:09:42 (18 sec)No Signal (0.056)
Big league. That includes -- and who's better at that stuff than me? Believe me. Hey, I don't need your vote anymore but I'm telling you I'm very good at it. That's right. I don't need your vote. Can you imagine it? Four years I'll need you vote but nobody is better at that. That's what I do. But it just made a big impression.
Donald Trump
00:09:42-00:10:01 (19 sec)No Signal (0.759)
You know when he told me this, he said -- but I asked him, when did it used to be? He said, never been like this. Never. New projects. We're gonna do new projects for both rural communities and our inner cities and that's been forgotten, too. If you think the inner cities have been forgotten also. Not any longer.
Donald Trump
00:10:01-00:10:27 (26 sec)No Signal (0.305)
And we will put our people back to work in the process. Our people. It's time to get help for the American people and we are gonna get people off of welfare and they're gonna want to work. We're gonna get them into the labor market and they're gonna do a great job and they're gonna make good money, much more money than they ever made before.
Donald Trump
00:10:27-00:11:00 (33 sec)No Signal (0.199)
And we're gonna rebuild our country with American hands by American workers, OK? My administration will follow two simple rules: Buy American and hire American, OK? Because from now on, it's going to be America first. America first. Our trade deficit is now nearly $800 billion a year. Can you believe that?
Donald Trump
00:11:00-00:11:20 (20 sec)No Signal (0.213)
Who's doing this? Do you have any business, people in the audience? Do you think you might, do you think you might be able to negotiate a slightly better deal than that? $800 billion. We make all these wonderful trade deals. I love trade and I love free trade. But right now, we have foolish trade. We have -- OK, ready?
Donald Trump
00:11:20-00:11:47 (27 sec)No Signal (0.275)
We have stupid trade. Stupid trade. Stupid. It's dumb. It's a chronic drag on growth and a destroyer of jobs and the wealth of our country. And you see what's happening. We owe $20 trillion and it's going up rapidly. That's why we'll renegotiate our trade deals, stop the product dumping and the currency manipulation, which is a disaster for our country.
Donald Trump
00:11:47-00:12:13 (26 sec)No Signal (0.464)
Every time we get going, China and others, they just knock the hell out of the value of their currency and we have to go back and back and it just doesn't work folks. And defend -- we're gonna defend every last American job. You know, they did a big report. How come Trump won by so much. Remember, there was no way he gets to 270, right?
Donald Trump
00:12:13-00:12:38 (25 sec)No Signal (0.484)
The Electoral Tribe, which is amazing because you have to go to all these states and it was an amazing, amazing experience. But there's no way I get to 270. And I'm saying, wow. In fact, I went to the state of Maine four times because I needed one because I was at 269, I needed one. Until the election came and then boy, did we blast by that 270, right?
Donald Trump
00:12:38-00:13:11 (33 sec)No Signal (0.345)
We blast it. 306. 306. And I guess, they did a recount in Wisconsin and after I think 70% or 80%, somebody -- I think we picked up 32 votes. All these millions and millions of votes, I think we picked up, picked up about 30. And if a company wants to fire their workers, leave our country and then ship their products back in, there will be consequences, including a very, very substantial tax.
Donald Trump
00:13:11-00:13:42 (31 sec)No Signal (0.735)
In other words, look, there's no tax. There's no tax. Somebody said, you know, these reporters, these guys. They're business reporters -- [Audience Boos] The one thing we have done, we have exposed the credibility of the press. They have the lowest credibility of anybody. And our popularity, I say our because this is a movement that we're all in this thing together.
Donald Trump
00:13:42-00:14:10 (28 sec)No Signal (0.237)
We're all in this together, but we are shooting up. We're like a rocket ship, right? Maybe because I don't like $4.2 billion aircraft. Somebody said, how much is that gonna cost? $4.2 billion. I said, $4.2 billion? I think we'll do it for a little bit less. Don't you agree? Like maybe billions less, OK? But yeah, we're going we're going very rapidly up. But we're gonna -- because it's common sense.
Donald Trump
00:14:10-00:14:30 (20 sec)Weak (1.084)
We don't want companies to leave our country, go to another country and sell their product and then sell the product where they left. Now, we have all unemployed people. They had jobs for 32 years. I mean Carrier is a great example. And Carrier, we did a great job with Carrier. But you know, they announced a year and a half ago they already have a plant built.
Donald Trump
00:14:30-00:14:48 (18 sec)No Signal (0.362)
I mean, think of what you could do if they haven't started or they haven't said anything yet. They're not gonna leave because we're gonna put up a very high tax. And if they want to build their plant outside of this country, that's fine. But if they think they're gonna sell their product back into the country and have no tax, that's not gonna happen anymore, folks.
Donald Trump
00:14:48-00:15:04 (16 sec)No Signal (0.372)
Not gonna happen. And therefore, they're not gonna leave. Now they may leave a state and go to a different state. They may leave, you know, maybe they're having a hard time with their employees. That's possible. And they may leave, but they're gonna leave for another state. They're not leaving for another country very easily.
Donald Trump
00:15:04-00:15:28 (24 sec)No Signal (0.838)
And if they do, they're going to have a very, very substantial tariff or tax to pay. That's it. And you know what's gonna happen? They're gonna say, we like Louisiana very much, right? We're not leaving. All right. I don't say 100% of the time. But I'll tell you what, pretty close to that number. It's gonna be pretty close.
Donald Trump
00:15:28-00:15:54 (26 sec)No Signal (0.541)
And we have -- we lost 70,000 factories in this country. We have so many companies right now -- although I think probably, if I would have said couple of months ago, we have so many companies negotiating to leave. I don't think they're negotiating so fast right now. I've heard that. And you see what's happening with the stock market and a lot of things because they understand we know what we're doing.
Donald Trump
00:15:54-00:16:22 (28 sec)No StressLens
We're not gonna let this happen. We can't let it happen. Our country is being drained, drained of its jobs and its good jobs and they're gonna other countries and not just gonna happen. On the military, we will rebuild our badly depleted military and ensure that our service members have equipment and training, technology and resources, everything they need to get the job done.
Donald Trump
00:16:22-00:16:48 (25 sec)No Signal (0.239)
Now hopefully, we will never have to use that great power that we're gonna build. We are going to build the strongest military that we've ever had. And there have been few times when our country has needed it to this extent. But I believe in peace through strength. You know, you look at some of these other countries, what they're doing, what they are building.
Donald Trump
00:16:48-00:17:06 (18 sec)No Signal (0.227)
And you know what, when they see what we're gonna do, they're gonna call. And then I'm gonna have great relationships with China and Russia and all of them. And they're gonna call and they'll say, you know, you're doing a lot of building. Is there any way we can sort of ease it up a little bit? I'm OK with that, but they have to ease it up too.
Donald Trump
00:17:06-00:17:38 (32 sec)No Signal (0.068)
They're not easing it up. If you look at what's going on in China. If you look at what's going on in so many other countries, they're not easing up. And if they're not easing up, we're not easing up, OK? At the same time, we will ensure our veterans have the best medical care anywhere in the world. We will honor those who have served this country and that includes respecting and defending the American flag.
Donald Trump
00:17:38-00:18:02 (24 sec)No Signal (0.379)
[Audience calls out "Yeah"] Frankly, when I see people ripping up the American flag, like that flag, beautiful. When I see, I think it's a disgrace, OK? And you can say what you want, free speech, it's all wonderful. Everything is wonderful. I'm a big believer in free speech. But maybe we're gonna be putting something into see if we can do something about it because this is a special case.
Donald Trump
00:18:02-00:18:23 (21 sec)No Signal (0.15)
And when I see people burning the American flag and then stepping on it as it's burning up and then stomping on it and stepping on it on the ground, I don't think, I don't think in the -- I don't think I remember that when I was growing, does that -- right? How many of you guys are young like me? Remember when we were very young?
Donald Trump
00:18:23-00:18:46 (23 sec)No Signal (0.041)
I don't remember that happening. So we're gonna have to -- I think we're gonna have to do something about that. On crime, the murder rate has experienced its largest increase in 45 years. The press doesn't tell you that. We're going to support the incredible men and women of law enforcement and we're going to bring this terrible crime wave to an end.
Donald Trump
00:18:46-00:19:12 (26 sec)No StressLens
On immigration, we will build a great wall and we will put an end to illegal immigration and stop the drugs from pouring into our country also. We've become a drug den. During this campaign, I had a chance to meet the amazing families of the remembrance project. Parents whose children were killed by illegal immigrants.
Donald Trump
00:19:12-00:19:37 (25 sec)No Signal (0.108)
A Trump administration will end this long nightmare of violence and that's what it is. It's a nightmare of violence. We will fight to protect every American life. During the campaign, I also spent time with American workers who were laid off and forced to train foreign workers brought in to replace them.
Donald Trump
00:19:37-00:19:57 (21 sec)No Signal (0.64)
We're not gonna let that happen anymore, folks. They are forced to train people. They were laid off. They've been at different places for 30 years, more, less and they're forced to train. And if you don't train them, we're not giving you any severance. Not gonna happen because that's actually demeaning. It's not gonna happen.
Donald Trump
00:19:57-00:20:15 (18 sec)No Signal (0.381)
One of my first executive orders will be to ask the Department of Labor to investigate all visa abuses that undermine jobs and wages for the American worker. This is about our country now. This is about our country. You know, I've studied a lot of the trade deals over the last few months. I love reading this stuff.
Donald Trump
00:20:15-00:20:34 (19 sec)No Signal (0.382)
I don't know. Some strange up there when I went. But we have the worst deals. I looked at trade deals that were made with Mexico. The worst deal made with all of Mexico. So they made a lot of deals, not just us, not just NAFTA, which is a disaster. They made a lot of deals. We have the worst deal made by any country.
Donald Trump
00:20:34-00:21:01 (28 sec)No Signal (0.526)
Now we're, by far, the biggest. We blow everything away. But we have the worst deal made by any country. And it was effective from the time it was done because of the VAT tax. They didn't really take it into account. It's complicated. It doesn't matter. But it was defective. And for decades, nobody changed it because they were too lazy or they didn't want to do it or they didn't understand it. But for years, that deal was defective.
Donald Trump
00:21:01-00:21:35 (34 sec)No Signal (0.22)
It's not gonna be defective anymore. To protect our country from terrorism extremism, we will suspend immigration from regions where it cannot be safely processed or vetted. I mean we have people coming into our country by the thousands, thousands and thousands of people. And now, I don't have to campaign so I don't have to say and Hillary is gonna increase it by 550%. No, I don't have to say it anymore.
Donald Trump
00:21:35-00:22:01 (26 sec)No Signal (0.038)
Isn't it nice? Isn't it nice? No, I don't have to say it anymore. But think of it. We have people coming in by the tens of thousands. And look folks, we have enough problems. We have enough problems. We can't do this. We're gonna build safe zones. We're gonna have certain areas -- the Gulf states, tremendous amounts of money thank you, darling.
Donald Trump
00:22:01-00:22:22 (21 sec)No Signal (0.565)
I love her too. But I get in trouble if I say that. So I'm not gonna say it. But we're gonna have people from the Gulf states, the Gulf states themselves are gonna pay for it. They're gonna pay for it. They have nothing but money. They're not doing what they're supposed to be doing and they're fine. They're gonna pay for it. We're not gonna pay.
Donald Trump
00:22:22-00:22:41 (20 sec)No Signal (0.4)
If we owe $20 trillion but we want to make homes for these people because it's a tragedy. The migration. And it started -- you know why it's started. I don't have to go through it. I don't have to go through it. We're not running for office. Isn't it nice to say we're not running for office? I have to go through this on. I don't have to go through all the reasons.
Donald Trump
00:22:41-00:23:06 (25 sec)No Signal (0.424)
The fact is that it's a human tragedy and we're gonna help it. We're gonna help it. But that doesn't mean we're gonna allow people to come into our country, some of whom have evil intentions. And you see in Ohio State, I was there the other day and great people. The damage done by one person. You look at so many different places, San Bernardino and -- I mean, look at the World Trade Center.
Donald Trump
00:23:06-00:23:31 (25 sec)No Signal (0.713)
Look at what happened in Orlando. There's so -- such evil spirit, evil intention. We have other problems. We have to solve many, many problems. And you know, we've spent now $6 trillion in the Middle East. Think of it. $6 trillion. And yet, we got nothing. You know what we have? We got nothing. Says what do we get out of it? Nothing.
Donald Trump
00:23:31-00:23:53 (22 sec)Strong (2.023)
1 of 92 paragraphs scored.You know we got out of it? Death. We got destruction. We have we have all this money that we owe. It's -- the whole thing is crazy. With that being said, we have to stop ISIS. We have to knock them out. We have no choice. We have to knock them out. We'll do that. I'll say General Mad Dog. He's great. He's great.
Donald Trump
00:23:53-00:24:17 (24 sec)No Signal (0.08)
He's a great guy. He's a great guy. And we have we have another great person gonna be named not lot of them, but in terms of what we're talking about next week somebody that you're gonna have tremendous respect for also. A Trump Administration will always put the safety and security of the American people first.
Donald Trump
00:24:17-00:24:55 (38 sec)No Signal (0.784)
Ethics reform will be a crucial part of our 100-day plan as well. We're gonna drain the swamp of corruption in Washington DC. Drain the swamp. [Audience chants "Drain the swamp"] Thank you. It always amazes me. You know, here we are on a Friday and sort of a crazy time of the day right. How many people show up for these things, right?
Donald Trump
00:24:55-00:25:21 (26 sec)No Signal (0.329)
That's when I knew -- by the way, people asked, when did you know? You know, I was campaigning. All of -- we always had these big crowds. But that last month was unbelievable. The crowds, they were massive. We're taking stadiums. We were packing them in. And well, they had a higher entertainment because people -- I said, I don't know if that means anything.
Donald Trump
00:25:21-00:25:40 (19 sec)No Signal (0.274)
But I think it does. And then we won Pennsylvania and we won Michigan and we won Wisconsin. We won all these different places. It's a beautiful thing to say, I will say. The spirit of what we've all done together is incredible. And you'll see -- thank you. And you'll see you'll see a lot of things happen.
Donald Trump
00:25:40-00:25:59 (19 sec)No StressLens
A lot of it's common sense to be honest with you. A lot of it's just common sense. A lot of the people that voted where they're great people. They love the country but they haven't voted in 20 years, 30 years. Boy, did they vote. Boy, did they vote. But they -- you know, they come in here and people that have never voted in some cases and yet, they're great people.
Donald Trump
00:25:59-00:26:18 (19 sec)No Signal (0.4)
And they're hardworking and they -- you know, but they just never saw the person they want to vote. And now, they come down and they have Trump shirts on, Trump hats. Their buttons coming off their hats. So they go from never voting to being all messed up with the stuff, right? But you know what? These are amazing people and they did.
Donald Trump
00:26:18-00:26:36 (19 sec)No Signal (0.645)
I remember, you know, I sort of get a little glimpse because you have that long early voting in Florida. It's so long and so many things could go wrong when you have that long period of time, right? That long, long, long period. It used to be you have a day, you vote. Now, you going on forever, weeks and weeks.
Donald Trump
00:26:36-00:26:55 (19 sec)No Signal (0.418)
But the first day I passed -- when I was down in Florida, I passed one of these lines. I said, well, what's happening over there? I thought it was like a big movie. They said, no sir. That's voting. They're voting and they're voting like really early. And we have to discuss that early thing that's sort of so many things are going on, so many things.
Donald Trump
00:26:55-00:27:21 (25 sec)No Signal (0.078)
I wonder what happens during the evenings when those places are locked, right? But the Democrats who are the people would say Donald Trump is criticizing the foundations of our country. Give me a break. Give me a break. Give me a break. President Obama, who, by the way, I've gotten along with so well. No, no, no. He's really doing great.
Donald Trump
00:27:21-00:27:48 (28 sec)No Signal (0.157)
He's been so nice. But eight years ago, eight years ago, he talked about in Chicago what goes on, OK? They don't talk about it anymore. And believe me, it's only gotten worse, folks, only got worse. So it's very -- we've got to talk about it. But I'm going to impose a five-year ban on executive branch officials becoming lobbyists and a lifetime ban on officials becoming lobbyists for a foreign government.
Donald Trump
00:27:48-00:28:11 (22 sec)No Signal (0.319)
And I thought, you know, when I got involved in this Boeing situation and I have great respect for Boeing, by the way, tremendous respect. But I said to myself, you know, the people that spend all this money -- you know, when you're talking about $3 billion and $4 billion for an airplane, which is, you know, who knows?
Donald Trump
00:28:11-00:28:32 (21 sec)No Signal (0.598)
But when you're talking about the kind of money. I said, let me ask. Who gives these orders out? Now, there are people, procurement people. Now some of these people then go to work for these companies. I think I'm going to -- and I'm gonna have check this out. They're not gonna like me to say this. But I think I'm gonna impose a ban that anybody that gives out these massive military contracts should never ever be allowed to work ever.
Donald Trump
00:28:32-00:28:59 (27 sec)No Signal (0.297)
I don't mean in five years, in 10 years should never be allowed to work for those companies that make the equipment. I mean, they're giving out -- you know, there's F35 bomber, which is total fighter that's totally, totally like uncontrollably over budget. And the people that give out those contracts and the people that have to approve the big change orders and the extras, as we say in the real estate business.
Donald Trump
00:28:59-00:29:23 (24 sec)No Signal (0.094)
I mean, when you're good you don't build with these extras. But these massive numbers where they have doubled and tripled, I think anybody that gives out these big contracts should never ever during their lifetime be allowed to work for a defense Company for a company that makes that product. I don't know it makes sense to me. Because I'm sure it's never happened.
Donald Trump
00:29:23-00:29:41 (19 sec)No Signal (0.36)
I'm sure it's never ever happened in the history of our country. But I can see somebody approving a deal that they shouldn't approve and then getting maybe prior to that approval, right? Look, he's shaking his head. This guy is a great business. He's saying, absolutely. Right? 100%. They're saying, hey listen, we'd love you to work for the company.
Donald Trump
00:29:41-00:30:00 (18 sec)No Signal (0.795)
By the way, let's finish up this order. We want you to work for the company after you're finished like how about next year? How about next month? Let's get this finished. And then all of a sudden, you get stuck with a horrible contract and these people go off. Even if it's two years or five years, I don't think they should ever be allowed to work for these companies.
Donald Trump
00:30:00-00:30:21 (21 sec)No Signal (0.101)
And if they take the job and they know that, it's fair. But I'll bet you would see a big, big difference because the purchasing in this country is totally out of control for everything, not only military, for everything. I had that idea yesterday. I have a lot of little ideas. You know you get ideas when you're in business but you get ideas as you go along.
Donald Trump
00:30:21-00:30:41 (20 sec)No Signal (0.742)
But I just saw -- and I never saw numbers like this. The massive, the massive numbers of overruns, cost overruns. It bears no relationship to the original contract. So I think we're gonna have to think -- I think it might be a lot more important than what we're talking about even with the lobbyists, OK? Does that make sense to the business people?
Donald Trump
00:30:41-00:31:04 (24 sec)No Signal (0.101)
So we face many challenges, but this is truly an exciting time to be alive. The script is not yet written. We do not know what the page will read tomorrow except for those very young people, right? They're gonna be happy. You're gonna be very very happy, the young ones, huh? We're gonna make sure. I think if we had a different result, they wouldn't have been so happy.
Donald Trump
00:31:04-00:31:31 (26 sec)No Signal (0.285)
But for the first time in a long time, what we do know is that the pages will be authored by you, by all of us. The American people will be in charge. Your voice, your desires, your hopes and aspirations will never again fall on deaf ears and they were on deaf ears. You will be the captains of your destiny once more.
Donald Trump
00:31:31-00:31:56 (25 sec)No Signal (0.713)
Together, we will raise incomes and your incomes are gonna go up and your incomes are going to go up. You know, we have this phony unemployment number that you look around for a job, you can't find it. You go and quit. You go home to your wife or your husband or your parents. And they consider you statistically employed and then they say we're down at 5% and 4.9%. It's nonsense.
Donald Trump
00:31:56-00:32:29 (33 sec)No Signal (0.491)
But we want incomes to go up and we want to create millions and millions of new jobs and that's what we're going to do. And we can't lose our companies. Can't lose our companies if we're gonna do that. We will lower taxes, unleash American energy and bring thousands of new companies to our shores. We will re-establish the rule of law and appoint justices to the United States Supreme Court, who will uphold and defend the Constitution of our country.
Donald Trump
00:32:29-00:32:48 (19 sec)No Signal (0.212)
And by the way, I used to -- you know, the never Trumpers? Remember? They -- really they're on a respirator right now. They're gasping. You know, they're gasping for air. And many of them have been great. They've come over and they've been great. But I used to -- when you know early on where we had the Never Trump, Never Trump.
Donald Trump
00:32:48-00:33:10 (22 sec)No Signal (0.188)
I will never vote for Trump. Some of those people are now saying, I'd only vote for Trump. I love this guy. It's crazy but they didn't know me. They didn't know. But you know, I used to say, if for no other reason, if like this character in Utah, right? Who the hell was he? I mean what happened to him? Remember, he's gonna win Utah.
Donald Trump
00:33:10-00:33:28 (18 sec)No Signal (0.151)
He was a conservative. He said he is a conservative and he's gonna win Utah. I said, so what? He wins Utah, so what does it mean? So let's say that it mattered a lot and I lost so that means that Hillary would have gotten to appoint justices of the United States Supreme Court, right? I'm trying to figure out.
Donald Trump
00:33:28-00:33:54 (26 sec)No Signal (0.557)
And by the way, not only did he not win Utah. I won Utah in a massive landslide even though the press was saying we were tied. He came in third place. Hillary beat him. So I don't know what happened to this guy. But I thought it was terrible because it was so destructive. And I used to say to people, if for no other reason, vote for me. If for no other reason, it's the United States Supreme Court, right?
Donald Trump
00:33:54-00:34:21 (26 sec)No Signal (0.58)
And Justice Scalia, who is great. I heard about two weeks ago, I heard his wife, who is an unbelievable woman and respected. She had signs, Trump signs on her front lawn in Washington or Virginia. But she had Trump signs just like that one, Trump Pence. How good is Pence, by the way, right? [Applause] Is he good?
Donald Trump
00:34:21-00:34:39 (18 sec)No Signal (0.303)
A lot of times if they question something I'm doing they'll say, well, but he picked Mike Pence. I mean, how can you do better than that? Mike Pence is great. But you know what, she has Trump signs in her lawn then I called her. And I said, hi and I just wanted to thank you for the signs on your lawns. She said, I have them on my car too.
Donald Trump
00:34:39-00:34:58 (19 sec)No Signal (0.435)
She's phenomenal. She's gonna be at the inauguration. But what a phenomenal woman. But her husband, I mean we thought he'd be around for a long time and these are the things that happen. So we have to replace Justice Scalia with a person that is as close to Justice Scalia if that's possible as we can get and we'll be doing that.
Donald Trump
00:34:58-00:35:19 (20 sec)No Signal (0.215)
But I used to say to people, I mean, forget about everything else. Justices of the United States Supreme Court. We'll fight for our great schools and we want to make them incredible. We want to make our schools really good. Right now, they have big problems, in many cases, but we're gonna fight for them.
Donald Trump
00:35:19-00:35:44 (25 sec)No Signal (0.713)
We will restore respect for our country. We're gonna restore respect for every inch of our soil and we're gonna restore the respect of our people. Our people love this country. We love it. To us, it is a great country. But when I say make America great again that's what I'm talking about. That theme has really caught on because it's make America great again.
Donald Trump
00:35:44-00:36:08 (24 sec)No Signal (0.423)
And it will be great again and it will happen. [Applause] We will heal our divisions and unify our country. In fact, you know Time Magazine they were both nice and a little bit wise guy yesterday. They gave me the person of the year. It used to be called The man of the year. Now it's called the person of the year.
Donald Trump
00:36:08-00:36:29 (20 sec)No Signal (0.296)
That's good. They're politically correct. They were very politically correct. Who'd rather have it the man of the year? Look, the women -- OK. Seriously, because I won it's person of the year. So for years it was the man of the year, right? And I think even if a woman was named, it was the man of the year.
Donald Trump
00:36:29-00:36:55 (26 sec)No Signal (0.673)
So it's a little bit shaky. Who would rather have it be the person of the year? I get a lot of women here. What about the women? Let's do it again. Who would rather have it be the person of the year? A couple of people. Who would rather have it be the man of the year? [Applause] Maybe why that -- that could be why the magazine business isn't so great, right?
Donald Trump
00:36:55-00:37:17 (22 sec)No Signal (0.188)
I don't know. Think of that. All the women want it to be the man of the year. Anyway, who cares? But it's person of the year. But they said, you know, looking over a divided nation. You saw that. So they're taking a jab. I said, wait a minute. I haven't run this yet. I haven't run it. So they're not -- you know, you're being -- you're trying to be a little bit nasty, but I haven't run anything.
Donald Trump
00:37:17-00:37:46 (28 sec)No Signal (0.094)
So it is a divided nation and we're gonna bring our nation together. When Americans are unified, there is nothing we cannot do. No task too great, no dream too large. No goal beyond our reach. My message today is number one: Get out to vote tomorrow for John Kennedy. That's number one and our great soon to be Congressman.
Donald Trump
00:37:46-00:38:10 (24 sec)No Signal (0.338)
You got to get out to vote and then I pay my respects to his family. Today, it's for all Americans from all parties that all beliefs all walks of life. No matter your age, your income, your background, I'm asking you to join this incredible movement. There has never been a movement like this or actually hasn't. You know, yesterday, they were talking about -- they're trying to find a comparable.
Donald Trump
00:38:10-00:38:31 (21 sec)No Signal (0.37)
And you know, usually, you go back to Reagan. You go back to something, right? It's not so long ago. Although in the history of the state of Louisiana, I was just told this backstage by all of my people. We got more votes than any Republican in the history of the state of Louisiana. Is that good? Is that good?
Donald Trump
00:38:44-00:39:26 (41 sec)No Signal (0.205)
So I'm asking you to dream big and bold and daring things for yourself and for your country. I'm asking you to believe in yourself again and I'm asking you to believe in America again. And if we do that, then altogether we will make America so very strong again. We will make America rich again. We will make America safe again, and we will make America great again. Thank you, Louisiana. God bless you. It's great to be here. Thank you. Thank you very much. Great place.